Our service area extends to rural areas in many counties throughout Alberta.  Our team has extensive experience in the appraisal of acreage properties in rural locations both within and outside of country residential subdivisions.  We also provide appraisals for vacant land in rural areas throughout Alberta

Residential Appraisals

Acreage and Hobby Farms

Our service area includes most urban centers within Alberta.  Our team has extensive experience in the appraisal of houses, duplexes, condominium units, etc..  We also provide appraisals for vacant lots/land in urban centers..  Without compromising accuracy, the turn-around time for our reports are among the most competitive in the industry.

Contact us for a fee quote

McLennan Real Estate Appraisals Inc.

Contact our Team directly at (780) 904-1414 or info@mclennanappraisals.com